The :mod:`paddy.writer` module contains built in data display functions.
Module functions are used to print specific data to terminal, formating
output in a user friendly manner, and quickly generate plots via the
`matplotlib.pyplot` module. Data is often passed via methods found in
Routine Listings
box(g_data, box_type)
Function that produces box plots.
Function that plots the average fitness for each *generation*.
Function that plots the average fitness for the *population*
during each itteration.
Function that handles other module level functions for plotting.
Function that prints information regarding the top evaluated seed for
each iteration, including a list of parameter values on a single line.
Function that prints the parameters for a user specified seed.
See Also
:meth:`paddy.Paddy_Runner.PFARunner.paddy_plot_and_print` : `PFARunner` method
that handles data output functions.
matplotlib.pyplot : Plotting package dependancy.
See more at `<https://matplotlib.org/>` for specifics.
The `PFARunner` method `paddy_plot_and_print` calls `preformace_plotter`
when passed relevant arguments such as 'scatter'. Refer to
`paddy_plot_and_print` documentation for information regarding how data is
generated and passed to `preformace_plotter`
# Authors: Armen Beck & Jonathan Fine
# License: BSD
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from paddy.utils import (get_param_names,
[docs]def box(g_data, box_type):
"""Plot boxplots via `preformance_plotter`.
Function that plots the desired box plot type as specified by the user.
g_data : dictionary
A dictionary with keys being the paddy iteration, with '0'
representing the random initiation step, and values being a
numpy-array containig parameter and gausian values.
box_type : integer
One of the integers: 1, 2, or 3. The number is associated with a
respective box plot type detailed in the notes section.
See Also
:meth:`paddy.Paddy_Runner.PFARunner.paddy_plot_and_print` : `PFARunner`
method that handles data output functions.
preformance_plotter : Function that manages plotting arguments passed by
plt.boxplot : Function that generates boxplots as part of the
`matplotlib.pyplot` module.
The `box_type` parameter is an integer assigned as a numeric
representation of a string argument passed via the `verbose` parameter of
the `preformance_plotter` function. The numeric values are related to the
string arguments as:
* 1: equivalent to 'box'.
* 2: equivalent to 'box_hidden'
* 3: equivalent to 'box_notched'
See documentation for `preformance_plotter` and `paddy_plot_and_print` for
details on how `box` is called.
plot_data = []
x_val = []
for i in g_data:
temp = g_data[i]
data = temp
if box_type == 1:
#default box plot
return plt.boxplot(plot_data, positions=x_val)
if box_type == 2:
#box plot without scatter
return plt.boxplot(plot_data, 0, '', positions=x_val)
if box_type == 3:
#box plot with indents
return plt.boxplot(plot_data, 1, positions=x_val)
[docs]def average_gen_plot(g_data):
"""Plot average fitness for each generation.
Function that plots the average fitness value for the seeds sown during
each iteration.
g_data : dictionary
A dictionary with keys being the paddy iteration, with '0'
representing the random initiation step, and values being a
numpy-array containig parameter and gausian values.
See Also
:meth:`paddy.Paddy_Runner.PFARunner.paddy_plot_and_print` : `PFARunner`
method that handles data output functions.
preformance_plotter : Function that manages plotting arguments passed by
plt.plot : Plotting function as part of the `matplotlib.pyplot` module.
`average_gen_plot` is typically called by `preformance_plotter` via the
`PFARunner` method `paddy_plot_and_print`. See respective documentation
for detailes on how `average_gen_plot` is called.
ave = []
counter = -1
x_list = []
for i in g_data:
counter += 1
return plt.plot(x_list, ave, color='orange',
label='Average Fitness of Iteration')
[docs]def average_population_plot(g_data):
"""Plot average fitness for the population during each iteration.
Function that plots the average fitness value for the seeds within
the population of evaluated seeds at each given interation.
g_data : dictionary
A dictionary with keys being the paddy iteration, with '0'
representing the random initiation step, and values being a
numpy-array containig parameter and gausian values.
See Also
:meth:`paddy.Paddy_Runner.PFARunner.paddy_plot_and_print` : `PFARunner`
method that handles data output functions.
preformance_plotter : Function that manages plotting arguments passed by
`average_population_plot` is typically called by `preformance_plotter` via
the `PFARunner` method `paddy_plot_and_print`. See respective
documentation for detailes on how `average_gen_plot` is called.
temp = []
ave = []
counter = -1
x_list = []
for i in g_data:
counter += 1
return plt.plot(x_list, ave, color='green', label='Average Fitness of Population')
[docs]def clean_parameter_print(dirty_values):
"""Prints parameter values of `PFARunner` atribute ``top_values``.
Function that prints information regarding the top seed evaluated for
sowing during each iteration of paddy.
dirty_values : dictionary
Dictionary with the same structure of `PFARunner.top_values`.
See Also
This function prints two lines for each iteration, where the first line
contains details on what seed was most fit during the selection step and
the second line consists of a list of parameter values. Be mindfull of
this when using this function as it is intended for low iteration
implementations of paddy, such as deep learning, and a high iteration run
will result in a proportionaly long print time.
The function is typically called by `PFARunner.paddy_plot_and_print`
when passed the argument 'final_results'.
for i in dirty_values:
temp = []
for j in dirty_values[i]['parameters']:
+':Fitness:'+str(dirty_values[i]['fitness'])+' Parameters:')
[docs]def single_param_print(dirty_values, value_key):
"""Prints the parameters for a specific seed.
Function that typically prints parameter values stored in
`PFARunner.seed_params` when called throughout a paddy run.
dirty_values : list of array-like, shape = (seed_counter,parameters,2)
A list of numpy-arrays containing the parameter and gaussian values
for each `PaddyParameter` instance in `PFARunner.space` of a given
paddy run. Typically the `PFARunner.seed_params` atribute.
value_key : integer
A integer that represents the seed number that the parameters are to
be printed for.
See Also
:meth:`paddy.Paddy_Runner.PFARunner.run_paddy` : method that excecutes the
paddy field algorithm.
This function is natively called when 'top_gen' or 'pop' are passed via
`paddy.Paddy_Runner.PFARunner.run_paddy` when listed as an element in the
`verbose` parameter. The list that is printed contains strictly the
parameter values of the `PFARunner.space` atributes of a given seed,
rather than the associated gaussian values.
temp = []
for i in dirty_values[value_key]: