Source code for paddy.writer

The :mod:`paddy.writer` module contains built in data display functions.

Module functions are used to print specific data to terminal, formating
output in a user friendly manner, and quickly generate plots via the
`matplotlib.pyplot` module.  Data is often passed via methods found in

Routine Listings
box(g_data, box_type)
    Function that produces box plots.
    Function that plots the average fitness for each *generation*.
    Function that plots the average fitness for the *population*
    during each itteration.
    Function that handles other module level functions for plotting.
    Function that prints information regarding the top evaluated seed for
    each iteration, including a list of parameter values on a single line.
    Function that prints the parameters for a user specified seed.

See Also

:meth:`paddy.Paddy_Runner.PFARunner.paddy_plot_and_print` : `PFARunner` method
    that handles data output functions.

matplotlib.pyplot : Plotting package dependancy.
    See more at `<>` for specifics.

The `PFARunner` method `paddy_plot_and_print` calls `preformace_plotter`
when passed relevant arguments such as 'scatter'.  Refer to
`paddy_plot_and_print` documentation for information regarding how data is
generated and passed to `preformace_plotter`

# Authors: Armen Beck & Jonathan Fine
# License: BSD

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from paddy.utils import (get_param_names,

[docs]def box(g_data, box_type): """Plot boxplots via `preformance_plotter`. Function that plots the desired box plot type as specified by the user. Parameters ---------- g_data : dictionary A dictionary with keys being the paddy iteration, with '0' representing the random initiation step, and values being a numpy-array containig parameter and gausian values. box_type : integer One of the integers: 1, 2, or 3. The number is associated with a respective box plot type detailed in the notes section. See Also -------- :meth:`paddy.Paddy_Runner.PFARunner.paddy_plot_and_print` : `PFARunner` method that handles data output functions. preformance_plotter : Function that manages plotting arguments passed by `paddy.Paddy_Runner.PFARunner.paddy_plot_and_print` plt.boxplot : Function that generates boxplots as part of the `matplotlib.pyplot` module. Notes ----- The `box_type` parameter is an integer assigned as a numeric representation of a string argument passed via the `verbose` parameter of the `preformance_plotter` function. The numeric values are related to the string arguments as: * 1: equivalent to 'box'. * 2: equivalent to 'box_hidden' * 3: equivalent to 'box_notched' See documentation for `preformance_plotter` and `paddy_plot_and_print` for details on how `box` is called. """ plot_data = [] x_val = [] for i in g_data: temp = g_data[i] x_val.append(int(i)) data = temp plot_data.append(data) if box_type == 1: #default box plot return plt.boxplot(plot_data, positions=x_val) if box_type == 2: #box plot without scatter return plt.boxplot(plot_data, 0, '', positions=x_val) if box_type == 3: #box plot with indents return plt.boxplot(plot_data, 1, positions=x_val)
[docs]def average_gen_plot(g_data): """Plot average fitness for each generation. Function that plots the average fitness value for the seeds sown during each iteration. Parameters ---------- g_data : dictionary A dictionary with keys being the paddy iteration, with '0' representing the random initiation step, and values being a numpy-array containig parameter and gausian values. See Also -------- :meth:`paddy.Paddy_Runner.PFARunner.paddy_plot_and_print` : `PFARunner` method that handles data output functions. preformance_plotter : Function that manages plotting arguments passed by `Paddy_Runner.PFARunner.paddy_plot_and_print`. plt.plot : Plotting function as part of the `matplotlib.pyplot` module. Notes ----- `average_gen_plot` is typically called by `preformance_plotter` via the `PFARunner` method `paddy_plot_and_print`. See respective documentation for detailes on how `average_gen_plot` is called. """ ave = [] counter = -1 x_list = [] for i in g_data: counter += 1 x_list.append(counter) ave.append(np.average(g_data[i])) return plt.plot(x_list, ave, color='orange', label='Average Fitness of Iteration')
[docs]def average_population_plot(g_data): """Plot average fitness for the population during each iteration. Function that plots the average fitness value for the seeds within the population of evaluated seeds at each given interation. Parameters ---------- g_data : dictionary A dictionary with keys being the paddy iteration, with '0' representing the random initiation step, and values being a numpy-array containig parameter and gausian values. See Also -------- :meth:`paddy.Paddy_Runner.PFARunner.paddy_plot_and_print` : `PFARunner` method that handles data output functions. preformance_plotter : Function that manages plotting arguments passed by `paddy.Paddy_Runner.PFARunner.paddy_plot_and_print` matplotlib.pyplot Notes ----- `average_population_plot` is typically called by `preformance_plotter` via the `PFARunner` method `paddy_plot_and_print`. See respective documentation for detailes on how `average_gen_plot` is called. """ temp = [] ave = [] counter = -1 x_list = [] for i in g_data: counter += 1 x_list.append(counter) temp.append(g_data[i]) ave.append(np.average(np.concatenate(temp))) return plt.plot(x_list, ave, color='green', label='Average Fitness of Population')
[docs]def preformance_plotter(info, verbose, figure_name=None): """Plot preformance as specified. Function that plots the results from a completed paddy run. The type of plot argument string is typically passed through the `PFARunner` method `paddy_plot_and_print`. Parameters ---------- info : list A list containing a list generated by `get_top_fitness`, and a dictionary of the form `PFARunner.generation_fitness`. verbose : set of strings A set of string comand(s), typically passed by `paddy_plot_and_print`. See the notes section for a full list of valid strings. figure_name : string A string passed by `paddy_plot_and_print` that provides a file handle for the figure being saved. See Also -------- paddy.utils.get_top_fitness : Function that returns a list of fitness values. :meth:`paddy.Paddy_Runner.PFARunner.paddy_plot_and_print` : `PFARunner` method that handles data output functions. average_gen_plot average_population_plot box matplotlib.pyplot Notes ----- `preformance_plotter` is typically called by the `PFARunner` method `paddy_plot_and_print` when valid string arguments are passed by the user. Valid strings that will call `preformace_plotter` from the `paddy_plot_and_print` method are: * 'best_sown' A line plot of the best seed sown during each iteration. * 'average_gen' A line plot of the average fitness of the seeds sown during each iteration. * 'average_population' A line plot of the average fitness value of all seeds at the end of each iteration. * 'scatter' A scatter plot of each seeds fitness value for each iteration. * 'box' A box plot of the sown seeds for each iteration. * 'box_notched' Same as box, but with notched boxes. * 'box_hidden' Same as box, but with outliers ommited. Refer to `<>`_ for specifics regarding plotting. """ plotter_types = {'best_sown', 'average_population', 'average_gen', 'scatter', 'box', 'box_notched', 'box_hidden'} if len(plotter_types.intersection(verbose)) > 0: plt.figure() x = list(range(len(info[0]))) plt.ylabel("Error") plt.xlabel("Iteration") plt.title("Fitness Throughout Paddy Iterations") if 'best_sown' in verbose: plt.plot(x, info[0], color='blue', label='Best Seed During Sowing') g_data = info[1] c = 0 x2 = [] for i in g_data: for j in g_data[i]: x2.append(c) c += 1 if 'average_gen' in verbose: average_gen_plot(g_data) if 'average_population' in verbose: average_population_plot(g_data) if "scatter" in verbose: plt.scatter(y=np.concatenate(list(g_data.values())), x=x2) if 'box' in verbose: box(g_data, 1) if 'box_notched' in verbose: box(g_data, 3) if 'box_hidden' in verbose: box(g_data, 2) plt.tight_layout() plt.legend() if figure_name != None: plt.savefig(figure_name, dpi=300) else: plt.close() else: print('preformance_ploter was not provided verbose containing valid argument')
[docs]def clean_parameter_print(dirty_values): """Prints parameter values of `PFARunner` atribute ``top_values``. Function that prints information regarding the top seed evaluated for sowing during each iteration of paddy. Parameters ---------- dirty_values : dictionary Dictionary with the same structure of `PFARunner.top_values`. See Also -------- :meth:`paddy.Paddy_Runner.PFARunner.run_paddy` :meth:`paddy.Paddy_Runner.PFARunner.paddy_plot_and_print` Notes ----- This function prints two lines for each iteration, where the first line contains details on what seed was most fit during the selection step and the second line consists of a list of parameter values. Be mindfull of this when using this function as it is intended for low iteration implementations of paddy, such as deep learning, and a high iteration run will result in a proportionaly long print time. The function is typically called by `PFARunner.paddy_plot_and_print` when passed the argument 'final_results'. """ for i in dirty_values: temp = [] for j in dirty_values[i]['parameters']: temp.append(j[0]) print(i+':seed_'+str(dirty_values[i]['seed']) +':Fitness:'+str(dirty_values[i]['fitness'])+' Parameters:') print(temp)
[docs]def single_param_print(dirty_values, value_key): """Prints the parameters for a specific seed. Function that typically prints parameter values stored in `PFARunner.seed_params` when called throughout a paddy run. Parameters ---------- dirty_values : list of array-like, shape = (seed_counter,parameters,2) A list of numpy-arrays containing the parameter and gaussian values for each `PaddyParameter` instance in `` of a given paddy run. Typically the `PFARunner.seed_params` atribute. value_key : integer A integer that represents the seed number that the parameters are to be printed for. See Also -------- :meth:`paddy.Paddy_Runner.PFARunner.run_paddy` : method that excecutes the paddy field algorithm. Notes ----- This function is natively called when 'top_gen' or 'pop' are passed via `paddy.Paddy_Runner.PFARunner.run_paddy` when listed as an element in the `verbose` parameter. The list that is printed contains strictly the parameter values of the `` atributes of a given seed, rather than the associated gaussian values. """ temp = [] for i in dirty_values[value_key]: temp.append(i[0]) print(temp)